All Episodes
Joe Miller on Baptism in the Spirit and Christian Unity
In John 3, Jesus told Nicodemus that in order to enter the Kingdom of God one must be born of water and of the Spirit. Later in the book of Acts, we read about Christi...
Paul Gould on A Good and True Story, Our Stories, and the Signs that Point Us to God
On today’s episode, I’m glad to welcome Paul Gould. Paul and I discussed his latest book A Good and True Story: Eleven Clues to Understanding Our Universe and Your Pla...
Brandon Luckett on Health, Faith, and Competing at the CrossFit Games
Every Christian should endeavor to be the best steward of his life that he can be. We ought to honor God with our souls, worship, possessions, and our body. Stewardshi...
Richard E. Averbeck on the Old Testament Law and the Christian
How should Christians understand and apply the Old Testament law? Many Christians are bewildered by the law sections of the Old Testament and sadly tend to ignore them...
LIVE INTERVIEW with Doug Groothuis on Fire In The Streets, Critical Race Theory, and Political Engagement
In the summer of 2020, we saw chaos, riots, and violence on American streets. The fire in the streets was paired with the message that Western culture is fundamentally...
Hannah Nation on Faithful Disobedience and the Chinese House Church Movement
For decades, Christians in China have been oppressed the persecuted by a communist state. In spite of this opposition, the underground church there has continued to gr...
Bryan Chapell on Grace at Work and God's Calling
For many people, their job merely feels like a daily grind. But what if our vocations are a primary means of experiencing God’s purpose in our lives? On today’s show, ...
Trevin Wax on the Thrill of Orthodoxy and Why We Need Historic Christianity
We have recently seen a number of once-prominent Christian leaders—as well as a number of believers online—announce that they are “deconstructing” their faith. Sadly, ...
Os Guinness on Zero Hour America, Freedom, and Responsibility
Os Guinness returns to the show to discuss his latest book Zero Hour America: History's Ultimatum over Freedom and the Answer We Must Give. We discussed the crisis of ...
Sarah Cowan Johnson on Teaching Our Children Well
The calling of parenthood is to raise our children in the fear of the Lord. Yet, as all Christian parents know, this calling is easily lost in the chaos of life. We ar...
Travis Dickinson on How to Handle Doubts and Find Faith
Doubt is an experience in every person’s life—including the life of Christians. Yet, many of us are unwilling to acknowledge our doubts, or we are afraid of seeking he...
Richard Goodwin on Seeing Film with Eyes of Faith
In Francis Schaeffer’s classic book Art and the Bible he wrote, “Is the creative part of our life committed to Christ? Christ is the Lord of our whole life and the Chr...
How God Sees Sinners and Sufferers
How does God view me in my sins and sufferings? We often ask ourselves this question. We wonder if he pulls away from us because of our sinfulness. Our hearts doubt th...
Mark Talbot on Understanding Our Suffering through the Christian Worldview
Suffering causes us to ask hard questions about life. It also tests our faith as we question God’s goodness, or even existence, in the reality of a deeply broken world...
Sarah Zylstra on the Transgender Youth Phenomenon and How Parents Can Respond
PRODUCER'S NOTE: Due to technical problems with recording this episode, we had to utilize the internet backup files. The conversation isn't affected, but the audio and...
Jay Kim on Being an Analog Christian in an Age of Digital Dominance
Do you find yourself distracted lately? We live in a culture that has trained us to expect constant entertainment, endless content, and no effort to achieve contentmen...
Chase Replogle on The 5 Masculine Instincts and How They Drive the Virtues and Vices of Men
Masculinity is a hot topic today in our swirling debates about gender and sexuality. Both in the church and the broader culture, people argue over the fundamental diff...
Neil Shenvi on Christian Apologetics, Evangelism, and Meeting the Challenges of Today
The Christian faith will always have opponents, skeptics, and seekers who will attempt to challenge its credibility, which is why apologetics is always a necessity. Mo...
Gordon T. Smith on Calling, Vocation, and Overcoming What Holds You Back
As Christians, we believe that every person in a relationship with God has a calling from God. We read this in passages such as Ephesians 2:8-10 where Paul tells us, “...
God's Purpose in Exile
When we go through times of difficulty, we often question God’s plans, promises, and disposition towards us. It’s easy to wonder what his purpose is for us when we are...
Shane Morris on Christianity and Culture, Technology, Family, and Friendship
One of the biblical themes that we read about God’s people is that we are sojourners. This means that we are resident aliens. We reside somewhere that we do not ultima...
Vern Poythress on Thinking About History with the Christian Worldview
They say that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. What about those who misunderstand or distort the past? It’s not only important that we know history b...
Jonathan Dodson on Gospel-Centered Discipleship and Following Jesus
Being a Christian means more than adopting a set of beliefs. To be a Christian is to be in a relationship with Jesus Christ and to be transformed by the Holy Spirit th...
Louis Markos on Learning Virtue in Lord of the Rings and Narnia
Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia rank as many peoples’ favorite epic tales. These fantasy classics have stirred the imaginations and inspired good action...
Tho Bishop on Austrian Economics, Understanding Inflation, and His Spiritual Journey
You've probably noticed the rising prices in the cost of living this year. Everyone is feeling the squeeze on pocketbooks as everyday essentials are becoming more and ...
Aimee Joseph on Demystifying Decision-Making and Discerning God's Will
We are faced with dozens of decisions in everyday life. On top of the mundane, daily decisions, we have large questions to answer and choices to make. These moments of...
Douglas Groothuis on Christian Apologetics, Methodologies, and New Challenges to the Faith
ENTER TO WIN A FREE RIGHT SIDE UP JOURNAL: The challenges to the Christian faith must be answered in every age. Moreover, t...
Live Q&A with George Yancey on Race, Parenting, Education and More!
Scholar George Yancey is no stranger to this podcast and I am excited to feature him on the show again. We recently got to do a live Q&A at my church when George came ...